Terms of use

(hereinafter: "General Terms and Conditions") of Maro GmbH (hereinafter "Maro D’Italia”)

Version:  15 April 2023


1. Terms of payment

2. Postage

3. Guarantee

4. Returns

5. Purchase agreement

6. Personal data

7. Complaints



Credit Cards

In collaboration with Stripe we accept payments with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, and China UnionPay payments from customers worldwide


Payment order/Invoice

Via electronic banking or at a bank or post office.

If a legal person orders our products the payment is made after an invoice is issued. The merchandise will be delivered to the legal persons within the agreed time after receiving the payment.


Alternative payment options

SEPA Direct Debit
Mostly used by our recurring customers from Europe.

Popular payment method fpr customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Popular in Europe and United States.


Bank redirects options. Customers pay online using their bank account.

Popular in Polan.

Popular in Belgium.

Popular in Austria

Popular in Germany

Popular in Netherlands

Wallets payment options

Apple Pay
Popular globally

Google Pay
Popular globally

Popular globally


Personal data

Maro GmbH will use personal data only for technical reasons of administration on the website to provide you access to special information or to communicate with you. The collected personal data will not be given to third party or used anywhere else without your permission.  Employees at Maro GmbH are obliged to respect your confidential data and are obligated under an agreement of confidentiality.



General shipping fees apply for all 190 countries in the world, for all merchandise.

For customer in EU countries there are no hidden costs, like additional TAX or customs fees. For private person in EU countries local VAT is charged, for private person in NON-EU countries 0% vat is charged. For companies in EU(ex. Austria) and NON-EU 0% vat is charged. 

No VAT is charged on goods delivered to Switzerland and any other countries not in the EU zone. We will include an export certificate for Switzerland and other countries not in the EU zone. For countries outside EU local TAX and customs fees are charged by your local authorities.

All merchandise is sent with-in the European Union, from a warehouse in Germany, Slovenia, Italy and Austria.

Our reliable logistics partners are DHL, GLS, DPD and Kuehne+Nagel. All transport is insured.



Delivery time

When you select the country, the time of delivery will be automatically displayed.

Shipping time is listed under every product  and automatically adjusted, depending on stock and your location.

With your order you will receive tracking number, to track your order on http://www.dhl.com/en/express/tracking.htmlc ;  www.dpd.com.; https://gls-group.eu/EU/en/parcel-tracking ; http://www.kn-portal.com/faqs/shipment_tracking_help/

Please allow 3 working days for delivery within Germany, Austria, Swizerland, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland.
Please allow 5 working days for delivery to all other countries within the EU.

Please allow 10 working days for delivery to all other European countries not in the EU zone.


International delivery

We cannot determine the exact shipping rates for International orders. You may order online & and email us“Email me shipping options to my country.” As soon as we receive your email, we will email you shipping rates available to your country and shipping discounts we can offer you.



Maro GmbH ensures the products have no manufacturing defects when the buyer uses them safely. Extended warranty applies only for the first buyer.

Maro GmbH obligation warranty for replacements and repair of the product are restricted.

Warranty applies only if the product was properly installed and used in accordance with the instructions.

Maro GmbH is not responsible for the costs of removal, return shipping and re-installation of product.  

    Warranty does not cover the following:

    Damage or loss due to natural disasters such as fire, earthquake, flood, storm, etc.

    Damage or loss due to abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of the product,

    Damage or loss due to incorrect removal, repair or modification of the product,

    Damage or loss due to sediment or foreign substances in the water system such as water faucet,

    Damage caused by improper installation or installation in hazardous environment,

    Damage caused by physical damage.

    Before you return the defective product please contact us for reimbursement.

In addition you must attach a letter explaining the problem. No product will be accepted without a refund number.

If you have further questions regarding warranty, please contact us.


You can return the product within 14 days without any explanations – no question to ask – in which you can choose to return a product with a full refund of the amount. The customer has the right within 14 days of receipt of goods to notify the firm and withdraw from the contract, without having to state a reason for its decision.

All notifications submitted in time are valid.

Goods must be returned within 14 days of notice of withdrawal.  We take into account postal seals.

The goods must be sent undamaged and unchanged, with the original packaging.

Send us your request to return the product.

All returns can be carried out only after agreement within seven working days and marked with the approval number.

All returns can be carried out no later than in 15 days after your notification of withdrawal.

The possibility of returning the goods or of withdrawal does not apply in the following cases:

Due to hygienic reasons the goods may not be used or installed.

The goods must be in original packaging, undamaged, with all original parts and instructions.

We will refund the purchase price within 15 days via postal money orders or to your bank account (that is why we need your bank account number).

For more detailed information concerning the return of products please contact us via e-mail. We also offer you to replace your item.

The postage will not be refunded.

All information regarding the time of delivery are not binding unless it is not expressly stipulated by Maro GmbH.

We do not take responsibility for delivery.

We do not accept shipments with ransom.


The purchase agreement shall be kept at the company; you may receive it upon written request.  Send your request to:

e-mail: info@maro-bathroom.com
Bahnhofpl. 5/Top 9, 
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 



Maro GmbH will use personal data only for technical reasons of administration on the website to provide you access to special information or to communicate with you. The collected personal data will not be given to third party or used anywhere else without your permission.  Employees at Maro GmbH . are obliged to respect your confidential data and are obligated under an agreement of confidentiality.



The provider must create an efficient system for dealing with complaint and determine a person who will answer phone calls or e-mails in case of customer problems. The procedure for submitting complaints should be available on the website, easy to use and confidential.

The provider must confirm that he received the complaint within 5 working days and notify the customer about the duration of assessment of the complaint and keep the customer informed about the procedure.

Solving disputes

Disputes shall be solved in Austria, Klagenfurt District Court  and under its law.




1. Validity of terms and conditions, written form


1.1    Maro GmbH delivers its goods exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions.


1.2    These General Terms and Conditions also apply to all future contracts between Maro D’Italia and the buyer even if they are not separately agreed again. They replace all terms and conditions that were previously agreed between Maro D’Italia and the buyer.


1.3    Terms and conditions of the buyer that are contrary to or deviate from these General Terms and Conditions are not part of any contract between Maro D’Italia and the buyer. Maro D’Italia expressly rejects their applicability. This also applies if Maro D’Italia carries out an order without reservation whilst being aware of contrary or additional terms and conditions of the buyer. Maro D’Italia equally does not accept terms and conditions even if Maro D’Italia refers or replies to correspondence that contains terms and conditions of the buyer or a third party or that makes reference to such.


1.4    Separate agreements, additions, modifications and supplementary agreements only apply if confirmed by Maro D’Italia in writing.


1.5    “Entrepreneur” in terms of these General Terms and Conditions means a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal personality who or which, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in exercise of his or its trade, business or profession. “Consumer” in terms of these General Terms and Conditions means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside his trade, business or profession.


2. Offer and conclusion of contract


2.1    Offers of Maro D’Italia are not binding and subject to change. Maro D’Italia reserves the right to make technical changes and changes in shape, color, and/or weight to goods already ordered; any such changes will be within reasonable limits.


2.2    Maro D’Italia can accept a contract offer made through an order by means of an order confirmation within two weeks following receipt of such order. The order confirmation can be made in writing, by telefax or by e-mail. Confirmation of receipt of an order does not constitute a binding acceptance of such order.


3. Delivery time, time of performance, force majeure


3.1    Except in cases where delivery times and/or times of performance have been agreed as “fixed” expressly and in writing, delivery times and times of performance stated by Maro D’Italia are to be understood as indicative, non-binding, subject to change and subject to self- supply.


3.2    Maro D’Italia may render partial performances unless such partial performance is not of interest for the buyer.


3.3    Insofar as a delivery delay or delivery time was agreed as “fixed”, it refers to the time of transfer to the carrier or freight forwarder or to other companies charged with the transport of  the goods. In all other cases, delivery delays and deadlines are deemed to have been observed if Maro D’Italia was in a position to dispatch the goods in time, insofar as this ability to dispatch was communicated to the buyer.


3.4    If, with respect to Maro D’Italia, circumstances prevail, for which Maro D’Italia is not responsible and which make performance substantially more difficult or impossible, then Maro D’Italia is entitled to rescind the contract insofar as the hindrance is not only of a temporary nature. In the event of goods being unavailable, Maro D’Italia will without undue delay (unverzüglich) (i) inform the buyer and (ii) return any payments already received. In the case of temporary obstacles the delivery period will be extended by the length of time for which the obstacle exists.


3.5    If (i) Maro D’Italia has failed to meet a deadline, and (ii) the buyer sets an appropriate additional delay for delivery or performance, it is entitled, after this period has expired to no avail, to rescind the contract. In this case, statutory claims apply to both the consideration for Maro D’Italia and the claims of the buyer, but only within the limits set in Section 8 below.


4. Dispatch and transfer of risk


4.1    All goods are dispatched from the point of dispatch as specified in the order confirmation and for the account of the buyer.


4.2    If the buyer is an Entrepreneur, the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the goods passes to the buyer when the object for delivery is handed over to the carrier or freight forwarder or to other companies charged with carrying out the dispatch. This also applies to partial deliveries. If the buyer is a Consumer, the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the goods does not pass to the buyer until the object for delivery is handed over to the buyer. This also applies to partial deliveries.


4.3    Buyer’s delay in accepting goods shall have the same legal consequences as the handing over of the goods.


4.4    If delivery or dispatch is not made for reasons that lie outside the responsibility of Maro D’Italia, the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the goods will pass to the buyer as soon as Maro D’Italia reports to the buyer its readiness to deliver.


4.5    Dispatch is made without insurance, using a freight forwarder selected at the discretion of Maro D’Italia (e.g. German Postal Service (Deutsche Post) / DHL, parcel services, rail or hauler). An agreement made exceptionally to deliver with carriage paid only covers normal freight.



5. Prices and payment


5.1    The prices from the price list of Maro D’Italia that is valid on the day the order is placed apply. The rate of Value Added Tax applicable at such time as well as the costs for packaging and delivery are not included in these prices.


5.2    Invoices of Maro D’Italia are payable net without deductions immediately after invoicing. Maro D’Italia can make deliveries dependent on advance payments or the deposit of security. If the payment period is exceeded, the buyer is in arrears (Verzug), without a reminder (Mahnung) being necessary. Maro D’Italia can, at its discretion, set off payments of the buyer against costs, interest and debts of the buyer, and will in this case inform the buyer about the way in which such set-off is being carried out.


5.3    The buyer only has a right of set-off payment if its counter-claims (i) have been confirmed by final and irreversible judgment of a court, or (ii) are undisputed or are recognized by Maro D’Italia in writing.


5.4    The buyer can only invoke a right of retention on the basis of its own counter-claims if the counter-claims relate to the same contractual relationship. If the buyer is an Entrepreneur, a right of retention on the basis of its own counter-claims is excluded.



6. Retention of title


6.1    The transfer of title in delivered goods (hereinafter: “Reserved Goods”) only occurs when the purchase price has been paid in full. If the buyer is an Entrepreneur,Maro D’Italia retains title in delivered goods until all of its claims against the buyer arising out of the current business relationship have been met in full. The buyer is entitled to process and to sell the Reserved Goods in proper business dealings as long as it is not in arrears (Verzug). The buyer may not impawn (verpfänden) unpaid goods or transfer title in unpaid goods by way of security. All claims arising from the resale or based on any other legal grounds in respect of the Reserved Goods (including all current account receivables) are hereby assigned to their full extent by the buyer to Maro D’Italia by way of security. Maro D’Italia grants the purchaser revocable authorization to collect in its own name for the account of Maro D’Italia the claims assigned to Maro D’Italia. This authorization to collect claims can be revoked if the purchaser does not fully comply with its payment obligations.


6.2    To the extent the value of the security mentioned above exceeds the claims of Maro D’Italia by more than 10% in total, Maro D’Italia will return the excessive securities upon request.


6.3    If third parties seize the Reserved Goods, the buyer will advert such third parties to the  fact that the Reserved Goods are property of Maro D’Italiaand will notify Maro D’Italiawithout undue delay (unverzüglich). Where the buyer fails to comply with terms and conditions of the contract - in particular in the case of payment arrears (Zahlungsverzug) - Maro D’Italia is entitled to take back the Reserved Goods or, where necessary, to demand the assignment of the buyer’s right to possession in respect of third parties. The buyer is liable jointly and severally with the third party for the reimbursement of the court and out of court costs of legal action pursuant to § 771 Austrian Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung – ZPO) or any provision of similar import applicable.


6.4    The repossession (Zurücknahme) or the attachment (Pfändung) of the reserved goods by Maro D’Italia does not in itself constitute a rescission (Rücktritt) from the contract.


7. Warranty


7.1    Maro D’Italia will perform its contractual obligations with the diligence of a prudent merchant (ordentlicher Kaufmann) and with due regard to the applicable norms and stipulations. Claims made by the buyer in respect of defects are only valid if it has properly observed its due obligations to check and complain under § 377 of the Austrian Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB).


7.2    If the buyer is an Entrepreneur, the warranty period is one year counting from when the goods are delivered. If the buyer is a Consumer, the warranty period is two years, for second hand goods one year counting from when the goods are delivered.


7.3    Maro D’Italia points out that any deterioration of goods through their intended use will not trigger any warranty claims.


7.4    The goods sold by Maro D’Italia comply with all laws and regulations required for their marketability in the European Union under Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 (reference: “Declaration of Conformity” on relevant product pages on Maro D’Italia`s website http://maro-bidet.com). It is the buyer`s responsibility that goods comply with any other laws and regulations applicable in any territory where goods would be used.


7.5    Receipt by the buyer of acceptance of the order or receipt of the products without prompt objection to the terms and conditions herein set forth, constitutes acceptance by the buyer of these terms and conditions.


7.6    Apart from this, the statutory rules of warranty apply subject to the proviso that Maro D’Italia may, in its discretion, either repair or replace defective deliveries or services. The buyer is only entitled to exercise its further statutory rights if (i) two attempts by Maro D’Italia to repair or replace have failed or (ii) such supplementary performance has been refused by Maro D’Italia or has not been carried out in an appropriate way; however, even then, only within the limits set in Section 8 below.


8. Liability


8.1    Maro D’Italia is liable for intent or gross negligence. For slight negligence, Maro D’Italia is only liable if it culpably fails to fulfill an essential contractual obligation (wesentliche Vertragspflicht), whereas the liability is limited to the damage that is predictable and would typically occur.


8.2    The mere delivery of defective goods as such does not constitute a failure to fulfill essential contractual obligations (wesentliche Vertragspflichten).


8.3    Further liability - irrespective of the legal nature of the claim made - is excluded. This applies particularly to claims based on violations of contract or tort.


8.4    Maro D’Italia is not liable for consequential damages (Folgeschäden), particularly due to lost profits or intangible damages (immaterielle Verluste).


8.5    Claims for damages against Maro D’Italia are statute-barred one year after delivery of the goods, unless Maro D’Italia is charged with intent or gross negligence. The statute of limitations for claims based on tort remains unaffected by this.


8.6    Liability due to culpable harm to life and limb remains unaffected. This also applies to mandatory liability in accordance with the Austrian Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz).


8.7    Insofar as the liability of Maro D’Italia is excluded or limited, this also applies in respect of the personal liability of employees, staff, fee-lancers, representatives and agents of Maro D’Italia.


9. Cooperation in Tax Matters


The buyer shall cooperate with Maro D’Italia in all matters concerning tax in regard of the agreements entered into between the buyer and Maro D’Italia.


10. Data Protection


10.1    For the initiation, conclusion, execution and unraveling of a purchase contract, Maro D’Italia will process data on the basis of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the purpose of contract performance or to conduct pre-contractual measures. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1) Letter b of the GDPR.


10.2    Maro D’Italia assures that personal data of the buyer and of the employees of the buyer will not be transferred to third parties, unless Maro D’Italia is required to do so by law or if the buyer and/or respectively the employees of the buyer, as the case may be, expressly grant their consent in advance (Article 4 Number 11 of the GDPR pursuant to Article 7 of the GDPR). Maro D’Italia will only use third-party services to perform data processing in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation. The personal data transmitted by the buyer and/or the employees of the buyer to Maro D’Italia during order submission or by email (e.g., name or contact details) will only be processed for correspondence with the buyer and the employees of the buyer and only for the purposes for which the buyer and/or respectively the employees of the buyer provided their data to Maro D’Italia. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1) Letters a & b of the GDPR.


10.3    Maro D’Italia will only transfer data concerning the buyer and/or the employees of the buyer to the service provider or shipping company commissioned for the delivery and only if doing so is necessary for the delivery of the goods. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1) Letter b of the GDPR. For payment execution, Maro D’Italia will transfer the payment details of the buyer and/or the employees of the buyer to the bank commissioned for the payment. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1) Letter b of the GDPR. Personal data submitted to Maro D’Italia through its website will only be saved for as long as necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed (Article 5(1) Sentence 1 Letter e of the GDPR). If storage periods under commercial or tax law apply, the storage duration may last up to 10 years.


10.4    The buyer and the employees of the buyer have the right to access (Article 15 of the GDPR), the right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR), the right to erasure (Article 17 of the GDPR), the right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR), the right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR) and the right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR). Furthermore, the buyer and the employees of the buyer have the right to lodge a complaint to a competent data protection supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR pursuant to Section 19 of the new version of the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz neue Fassung, BDSG-neu). In case of questions about the processing of personal data concerning the buyer and/or the employees of the buyer or about the exercise of data subject rights, the buyer and/or the employees of the buyer, as the case may be, may contact Maro D’Italia. For more information on how Maro D’Italia processes data concerning the buyer respectively the employees of the buyer, please see:


11. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction, severability


11.1    Applicable law for these General Terms and Conditions and all legal relationships is the law of the Federal Republic of Austria, with the exception of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Place of performance for deliveries and payments is Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria. As far as the buyer is an Entrepreneur, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for the buyer for all disputes resulting directly or indirectly from or in connection with the contractual relationship is Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria. The same applies if the buyer does not have a place of jurisdiction in Austria or if its place of residence or habitual abode is unknown at the time of the legal action. Maro D’Italia reserves the right to take legal action against the buyer at his place of residence, his registered business address or where a branch office is located.


11.2    The statutory place of jurisdiction for default proceedings (Mahngerichtsstand) remains unaffected.


11.3    Should a provision in these General Terms and Conditions or a provision within the context of other agreements with the buyer be or become invalid, the validity of all other provisions in these General Terms and Conditions or other agreements is, in cases of doubt, unaffected.