Tooaleta Product Reviews

All reviews are written by T00aleta customers. Therefore this are real reviews with real customer experience.
Our Community is based on honest and transparent reviews. We remove ratings if we determine that they violate our review guidelines.

Your experience can also help others to choose the right product.


Understnading the Rating system:

If you want to submit an review, go to the product that you have purchased. On the products side at the bottom, you will see the option add rating or simply click under the product rating Jump to review. Add rating and fill out the form and within 24 hours your review will be visible on the product that you have submited.

Price(the ratio between price and quality):

  • 5* excellent price
  • 4* very good price
  • 3* favorable
  • 2*acceptable price


User feedback:

  • 5* excess, above expectations
  • 4* very good product
  • 3* good usability
  • 2* basic usability


Technical features and functionality:

  • 5* top models with a large majority of functions
  • 4* very high-performance models
  • 3* good Wash & Dry functions
  • 2* sufficient features for basic use

Under every product page you will see Jump to Reviews where you can write your own review:

Please do not use any profanity when writing reviews! This website is children friendly.